A Kevin Greene Celebration: Styx at Benedum Center Pittsburgh

Benedum Center for the Performing Arts, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania



A Kevin Greene Celebration: Styx comes to Benedum Center on Saturday 1st October 2016! To celebrate the induction to the Pro Football Hall of Fame, Kevin Greene, the legendary American Rockers – Styx! Join them and catch their epic tracks such as; "Renegade" "Come Sail Away" "Boat On The River" and so much more LIVE like you've never heard them before! Don't miss this extra special evening of one of the greatest rock bands of all time – Styx!A Kevin Greene Celebration: Styx at Benedum Center



A Kevin Greene Celebration: Styx

Benedum Center for the Performing Arts

About the Venue

benedum center for the performing arts

Benedum Center for the Performing Arts

237 7th Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15222, United States